Get to Know The Athletes: Special Olympic Global Athlete Input Council

Geannette Wittendorf

The Special Olympics is not just an organization that serves individuals of the United States. The Special Olympics is a global organization created specifically to offer support to individuals of all ages facing life while living with intellectual disabilities worldwide. 

That is why Geannette Wittendorf is such a proud supporter of this sports charity - it offers an outlet for all athletes and their families to live a life of fulfillment despite other difficulties.

The organization brings people together, reassuring in the fact that we are all different; we all have different capabilities, but no one person is better than the rest - we are all important in our own unique ways. 

The organization utilizes their strong efforts on inclusion to highlight athletes across the globe on their "Global Athlete Input Council" page on their website. All athletes, regardless of region, are able to recognize their worth with the help of competitive sports. Follow along with their stories! 


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